Reveal.js as git submodule
Reveal.js is nice, but the default instruction is to dump their entire codebase into your repository. Not desirable.
This proposes an alternate approach, including reveal.js as a git submodule.
Create your project:
mkdir slides
git init
git submodule add revealjs
git submodule update --init --recursive
Copy the example and replace paths:
cp revealjs/index.html .
sed -i 's|dist/|revealjs/dist/|g' index.html
sed -i 's|plugin/|revealjs/plugin/|g' index.html
Test it:
firefox index.html
While reveal.js can run without a web server, some functionality (like including markdown files) actually requires a web server. It is also easier to use since it will auto reload on file changes.
Create a simple one with auto reload:
npm install --no-save browser-sync
npx browser-sync start -s -f . --no-notify --port 9000