Keyboard shortcuts for ZSH.
Move cursor
Ctrl + a
move to the beginning of the lineCtrl + e
move to the end of the line
Alter current command
Ctrl + u
delete entire lineCtrl + k
delete to end of the line.Ctrl + h
delete one char to the leftCtrl + d
delete one char to the rightCtrl + w
delete one word to the left.Alt + d
delete one word to the right.Ctrl + l
clear the terminal.Ctrl + xe
open the text editor to edit the line
Ctrl + _
undo the last edit
execute the last command in history!abc
execute the last command in history beginning with abc
Ctrl + l
clear screenCtrl + s
stop screen outputCtrl + q
resume screen output
Ctrl + r
reverse search in historyCtrl + s
forward search in history